I love quality bags almost as much as I love chocolate, and I’ve acquired quite the collection over the years. I don’t have a ton of money so my collection may not be as extensive as some bagaholics but I take pride in what I do have.
Bagaholic Rules I Live By
Since I choose my collection of beach bags, printed tote bags, and especially designer hand bags carefully, I follow these guidelines religiously.

• Bags from local sellers, including vinyl tote bags, organizing totes, and picnic and wine-chilling bags. These can be found locally or through specialty websites and ordered to your specifications with different graphics or personalization.
• Good quality leather or fabric bags and totes from designers that you can easily find at department stores. You can use these as everyday handbags or fill them with school or office supplies for a long day on campus or at the office. Some of these are even water resistant, making the extra money worth it if you’re caught in a storm.
• Designer handbags which may work for everyday wear or special occasions. What girl doesn’t want to own a brown suede Prada shoulder bag or a Miu Miu clutch or an elegant Hermes bag? These designers are worth the money and are on most bagaholic’s “must-haves” list.
• A collection of other printed bags for your lifestyle. If you’re a new mom, you’ll need a spacious diaper bag that you can fit all the baby necessities plus space to stash your every handbag. If you spend lots of time outdoors taking photographs, you’ll want a quality camera bag that is not only spacious but features a criss-cross strap so your hands will be free to maneuver the camera. Look for bags that are soft canvas which won’t scratch the camera.
As noted, a true bagaholic isn’t about how many bags she owns but the quality of her bags and how well they fit into her lifestyle and how often she uses them.